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Barrier-Crossing Faith

Peter: Emerging Faith

"Barrier-Crossing Faith"

Acts 9:43 - 10:48

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sermon Proposition

Jesus grows our faith by calling us to cross barriers for the sake of the gospel.


Sermon Question

What barriers do we need to cross?


We Need to Cross the Barrier of Theological Assumption.

We Need to Cross the Barrier of Convenience.

We Need to Cross the Barrier of Personal Prejudice.

We Need to Cross the Barrier of Peer Pressure.

My Next Step

Memorize Psalm 67 (all seven verses or in part verses 1-3)


Prayer of Response

Heavenly Father, Lord God Almighty, be gracious to us and bless us and look upon us with your smiling face. Cause us to walk in step with your Holy Spirit to make known your ways on earth, your saving power among all nations. You have given us your indwelling Spirit that we might be powerful witnesses before a watching world. You have given us the gospel message to bring your saving power to bear on all who believe. You are patient toward us, not willing that any should perish. Convict us of the sin of neglect. Expose the barriers that hinder us from sharing the gospel message with neighbors and strangers. Open our eyes to see the people you are drawing to yourself. Open our mouths with confidence to share how you have shown us mercy, a reason for the hope we have in Jesus. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! In the name of Jesus, Amen.

[Ps. 67; Acts 10; Mk. 5:9; Rom. 1:16; Gal. 5:25; 1 Pet. 3:15; and 2 Pet. 3:9]

Open It!

If you could have been born and raised in another country or culture, in which would you like to have been raised? Why?

Discuss It!

What are the inconsistencies in Peter’s thinking (10:14)?


  • Acts 9:43
  • Leviticus 11
  • Mark 7:15


What did God want to teach Peter through the vision and encounter with Cornelius?


  • Acts 10:15
  • Acts 10:28-29
  • Acts 10:34-35


What was Peter’s message to the group (10:34-43)?


What happened to the non-Jewish believers to show the Jewish believers that God accepted them (10:44-46)?


What should we do to make people of a differing ethnicity welcome in our church?


What barriers hinder our ministry to strangers?


Review Peter’s message. If someone asked you to explain the Christian faith, what would you share with them?

Live It!

If an immigrant family moved in next door what assumptions or prejudices would you need to face?


How will you welcome the stranger to your neighborhood?


What should our saying yes to bringing the gospel to our Hispanic neighbors look like?