We are SO EXCITED to take our students to Lake Geneva Youth Camp for their 2nd annual FALL BLAST Weekend getaway.
It is October 4-6 and it is for Jr High and Sr High youth. The Jr High and Sr High will be separated for cabins and for small groups but worship and teaching will be for both.
Click here to sign up.
We will send you a list of what your student should bring as the time draws near.
Please sign up sooner than later –it helps us in planning and preparing for the trip.
6th t0 8th Grade
Impact meets at CLCBC on Tuesdays from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
If you have not filled out our Student Ministry Permission Slip & Medical Waiver ----please do so here.
Impact is a safe place to be loved & accepted for who you are - and yet challenged to be all you can be. JOIN us for IMPACT on Tuesday nights - a place middle schoolers can be themselves and discover Christ in a fun environment.
Every Tuesday we share a meal together, play some super fun games/sports, spend time in the presence of God through prayer & music, and talk in safe small groups about how God's Word IMPACTS our world positively.
9th to 12th Grade
Oneighty meets at CLCBC on Wednesdays from 6:15pm to 8:30pm
If you have not filled out our Student Ministry Permission Slip & Medical Waiver ----please do so here.
Oneighty is a place where everyone is welcome. You can question everything while being challenged to think for yourself about what life is about, who God is, and how your relationship with Christ can change our world. Join us Wednesdays at 6:15pm. Dinner is provided.
Got questions?
If you have further questions concerning our Youth Ministry, simply click the button below to contact us!