Youth Ministry

Explore the ministry opportunities for your Junior and Senior High students at CLCBC

Impact Summer Meetings

This Week: Tuesday, July 23

IMPACT this Tuesday for Jr High students will meet the RIFE’s Home from 6:30pm to 9pm.    They have a pool, so students should bring a towel and swimsuit. They are hosting a cookout and providing dinner and we will play some games together as well.  We will also continue to dive into the story of Jonah together. For the address and details, please contact Pastor Tony at In case of bad weather we will still meet at their home for games, cookout and time in God’s Word. 

If you have not filled out our Student Ministry Permission Slip ----please do so here.

Oneighty Summer Meetings

This Week: Wednesday, July 24

Our Lake/Boat Outing at the Thomson’s has been postponed.  180 Sr High Students will be meeting at the CHURCH from 6:30pm to 8:45pm.  We will enjoy a pizza dinner together, participate in various games and team-building activities and continue our summer series on JONAH. We will have an OPEN GYM for Basketball at 5:30pm for those students who want to come early for that.    


Contact Pastor Tony for more info

If you have not filled out our Student Ministry Permission Slip ----please do so here.

Got questions?

If you have further questions concerning our Youth Ministry, simply click the button below to contact us!